Saturday, November 24, 2007


75 questions long! I was out in 1.5 hours.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Leaving out for the testing center

I am in London at my hostel. I will be leaving out to the testing center in about 30 minutes time. My test is scheduled for 11:00am. I just got through eating a simple breakfast, cornflakes with orange juice. I have an apple in my pocket to go.

I slept well last night. I share my room with three other female human bodies. I say that because I have no idea who they are. I was in my top bunk and sleep way before the rest of them returned to the room. They may or may not be there when I return. I had some concerns that I would be with a group a loud, noisy, disrespectful bunch the very eve before my exam. But everything went smoothly.

It is cold here. It is not snowing though. Last night I bought a knit hat and gloves at the local convenience store. I am layered up with two long-sleeved shirts, a fleece pullover and a thin jacket. Yesterday I felt protected outside.

There is a small part of me that wishes I had more time to see Big Ben, London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, etc. This is my third time here in England (twice in London) for business purposes that did not permit me to do any London sightseeing. I will be back of course. I will come with my family which will make it that much more enjoyable. Besides, with the little bit of time that rests I would like to do some more shopping.

I need to buy the books for the graduate nursing classes that I am taking in January. I found a book store that has at least two of them. My daughter's 10th birthday is coming up. Of course, there is Christmas.

I feel okay. I am breathing. My stomach is not hurting. My stress tends to gather in my stomach. I have prayered and positively visualized a million times over. I thank God for already passing. I see myself holding my nursing license in my hand. I see myself logged into the State's Nursing Board and I see:

MY NAME RN 4704845269

my name with my registered nurse license number listed--which means that I passed!

So far, I feel great (well not G-R-E-A-T! like Tony the Tiger, but I'm cool). Now, I have to hustle a bit to arrive there. I need to take two subway trains. Today I am not weighted down by my backpack. I just have a small portfolio that has my Authorization To Test and passport.

I found myself tearing up the evening of my departure. I stopped myself because my daughter was right next to me. I did not want her to get upset over me crying. Although there were tears of relief, I did not want to explain to her why I felt compelled to cry. It has just be such a long journey to reach this point

I was just about ready to cry on the plane, but I was too dehydrated and did not want to use up my tears right then and there :-). It is not a good idea to drink wine on a long distance flight. You get dehydrated so fast and the flight attendants do not come around fast enough with water. Nowadays you cannot bring you own water with you, so you are dependent upon them for water.

I will cry when I finish.

I have reached a place where I have placed everything in God's Hands/The Universe. I have no doubt about this. Things are working themselves out. Since I left Africa, I have not been stressed not for one moment. In fact, the way in which I left Africa told me that God has Her hands all around me (I will recount this story later).

Things have not always been perfect on this trip. For example, I got on a bus that the driver told me was going straight, but he wind up turning and I lost my sense of direction. But I did not get stressed by it. I just picked up, corrected it, and moved on. This says a lot. This is providing me with peace and a sense of knowing that everything will be just fine.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving. I was not with my family. In fact, I missed them incredibly. It must be the first Thanksgiving that I was not with my family, but I was the most THANKFUL than I have been in a great, long while.

Pray for me. Send me lots of positive energy. I am leaving out for the testing center.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A case of the jitters

On Friday, November 16, 2007, I took a sick day off from work. I have just been dragging. This is my second sick day this school year with the same type of illness. I always feel guilty—like I am not doing something that I am supposed to be doing—when I am not working. Perhaps that is because I am so used to running all the time that slowing down feels unnatural.

I was able to take advantage of the day to complete an administrative task. I was at our local police station with my husband to have my fingerprints taken for my new identity card. My husband is African and I am Black American if this fact was not flushed out in earlier blogs. We are still newlyweds having married six months ago. It feels like it has been six years already. This will permit me to travel in West Africa without paying visa fees for each country I enter as a foreigner.

Despite not studying these past few days, I do have some great news. I finally found a nursing graduate program that suits my needs. The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) has an online Family Nurse Practitioner graduate nursing program. I just missed the Spring (Winter) 2008 deadline, so I will be applying for Summer 2008. However, it is possible to take classes as a non-degree graduate student prior to admission. Up to 12 credits can be taken to later transfer into the program.

It gets better! The online tuition is $200 per credit! It does not matter if you are in-state or out-of-state it is the same tuition rate. You do have to pay a $150 administration fee per on-line course. If you were to attend on campus and were out-of-state, the tuition is around $600 per credit. Having studies at a northern Big Ten school, this is a real steal.

Now having found this program makes my heart sing. My office is full of university brochures, which I have been carefully mulling over. During the last several months I have requested loads of information materials from FNP programs throughout the nation. For some odd reason, I never came across UAB. I primarily used as a search catalyst. Many schools are not automatically linked to request information through this website. If that were the case, then I did not pay attention to their listing.

My search criteria included:
--No GRE requirement (or a GRE waiver for applicants for high gpas. I have a 3.51) I am not interested in taking any more tests like that. After the NCLEX, the next one ---I will take will be my FNP certification boards.
--A year program (or damn close to it)
--Ideally, online.
--Flexibility with preceptorships.

I had just about settled on the University of Kansas and Penn. At UK I spoke with someone in the school of nursing and she told me about everything I wanted to hear. She said that it was a program that could be completed just about entirely online. It was a yearlong. I asked her if I returned to the States during the summer months could I complete the non-online course work and clinicals then. “Yes, of course,” she said. I was sold! This was the program for me. She made me a telephone appointment with the MSN program coordinator. Boy, this appointment date could not come fast enough.

When I spoke with the woman on the phone, I recounted my understanding of the program from my previous conversation.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but those are not accurate aspects of our program. You spoke to the office manager and there is a reason why she is the office manager and not the program coordinator. Our program does not work that way. In fact we have recently revamped our curriculum. It would take you at least two years of on-campus study to complete it. Are you planning on moving to Kansas? We are a state school. We have limited admission spots each year and quite frankly out-of-state students are not priority candidates. I’m sorry to sound so discouraging, but I do not believe that we are the school for you.”


She was discouraging. She reminded me of a school of nursing admission’s office at my undergraduate university, when I was studying for my first degree. I was in the school of liberal arts and wanted to transfer to nursing. I applied and a lady followed up on my application. Long story short, I allowed her to talk me out of going to nursing school. In retrospect, I could have fought harder for what I wanted. Although I knew how to fight, I did not completely understand all the many tools at my disposal I could employ to manifest the things I desired. Life just happened to me.

She was not the first person to discourage me. The first one was my mother. “Nurses are co-dependent,” she said. “Don’t study nursing!” So, I studied liberal arts. But my desire to be a nurse never, never left me. I was constantly looking for programs, checking into information, and trying to put myself in the most appropriate path to realize this.

In the end, there is a season and a reason for everything. Things are going to work out the way they were meant to. Nine years later I found myself in the p-e-r-f-e-c-t position to study nursing. In fact, I just walked right on in to nursing school. It could not have been a better place or time to study. Plus, the tuition was affordable at $150 per credit.

So, I thought hard about the UK’s program coordinator’s comments. I questioned myself as to if this was my cue to fight or to take her comments to heart. I took her comments to heart.

Then there was Penn as a possible choice. There are no online study programs at Penn. This was an option where I would suck it up, return to the States, and study full-time for a year to complete the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner program.

The attraction to Penn was their name recognition; GRE waiver, one-year program, and the fact that the assistant dean of something important related to admissions took the time to email me to inquire about my life here in Africa (I figured that had to count for something). I wrote her a letter explaining the work I do here—at the time I worked with women and children infected by HIV and AIDS. I also posed some questions about the program. She never wrote me back.

I eventually phoned Penn to ask those questions needing those answers before moving on my application. She answered the phone. She said that she had received my letter. No courtesy apologies for not getting back to me. She answered my questions. When I spoke to her I felt like I was being “handled”. Do you know what I mean? I told her that I would be applying. I started requesting transcripts.

Weeks later I phoned the school again (just the general number) and she answered again. This lady answers all the telephone numbers! I asked to see which of any of my transcripts had arrived. She took down my email and telephone number to get back with me. If she contacted you, then she contacted me.

Earlier this week, I faxed the admission’s office a letter making the same inquiry as to transcripts received. Nothing! The same afternoon, I came to terms that I was just not feeling Penn. I was struggling with the idea of Philadelphia anyway. I could not see my daughter in Philadelphia Public Schools. That whole east coast hustle, bustle does not interest me at all. Now, I could do it if push comes to shove, but give me a choice and I will choose a more tranquil place with the option to enter the h & b from time to time.

You may say: “Well, you live in Africa!” I do. I live in a very busy, polluted, and congested city. However, my life and its exposure to the bustling capital are heavily influenced by the hours I work and where I live. I leave out early enough that we do not run into traffic. I return home either early or late enough that it is a straight shot. I rarely enter the market. My husband does the shopping and prefers I not come along. Our neighborhood is peaceful. Plus our excursions always lead us to the countryside as opposed to around town. So, my environment is predictable and controlled to a great degree.

Aside from that, I did not feel as though the folks at Penn were interested in giving me the time of day. Call it a gut feeling.

I got back on the Internet and Goggled “one year family nurse practitioner program”. FNP programs requiring one year of nursing experience came up. Not exactly what I meant, but I saw UAB and clicked on it.

I read that the program was 100% online. It takes a little over a year to complete. The GRE is required. But considering that it was 100% online, I decided that I would take the test to get in. However, in later talking with the MSN program coordinator it turns out that some information on their web page is outdated. The GRE is waived it you have at least 3.2 gpa on the last 70 credit hours of your BSN. I had missed the Spring 2008 deadline, but I could take classes as a non-degree student. The application deadline is December 20th. My application will be faxed and subsequently mailed on Monday, November 19th, 2007!

I had never even heard of UAB before now. Nevertheless, the program is fully accredited. The school is involved with many international liaisons. The University of Alabama at Birmingham is my new soon-to-be Alma matter.

So, now I just need to pass the NCLEX!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The tiny frog that could

A dear friend sent me this story as a form of encouragement. It's cute. Funny thing is that I see "tiny frogs" everyday here in Africa.

There once was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants. The race began. Honestly: No one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard statements such as: "Oh way to difficult!!" "They will NEVER make it to the top." or: "Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is too high!" The tiny frogs began collapsing. One by one, except for those who in a fresh tempo were climbing higher and higher. The crowd yell "It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!" More tiny frogs got tired and gave up. But ONE continued higher and higher and higher and higher. This one wouldn't give up! At the end everyone else had given up climbing the tower. Except for the one tiny frog who after a big effort was the only one who reached the top! Then all of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how he had done it. A contestant asked the tiny frog how the one who succeeded had found the strength to reach the goal? It turned out THAT THE WINNER WAS DEAF!!!! The wisdom of the story is: Never listen to other peoples tendencies to be negative or pessimistic...cause they take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you. The ones you have in your heart! Always think of the power words have. Because everything you hear and read will affect your actions! Therefore always be POSTIVE and above all be DEAF when people tell you that you can not fulfil your dreams!

Lining up my ducks

My husband is traveling. His absence makes it much easier to study. He feels as though I am torturing myself and is notorious about persuading me to rest instead of study. For him, I have already passed. It is God’s will. While I agree with him, I still need to continue reviewing.

I came across blogs of nclex takers who did not study the last two weeks before the test. If I could do that, I would. I am simply not in a position to do so. I need to keep pushing forward so that I will have the material fresh in my head.

I have thought hard as to how I could best study for the last remaining two weeks. I considered Kaplan Question Bank. I have read comments on about how great it is. If you pay for the question bank by itself, be prepared to kick out $300.00 for it. I read about Mosby’s Online CAT (computer adapted test). There were raves about its ability to predict passing rates for those who eventually passed. There were also cautions by those who got those same predictions and did not pass the test. I do not think that Mosby’s Online CAT is available anymore, but if it were that might be worth the $40 or so to take a look at it. In the end, I just decided to stick with the resources I have already been using.

My 8-week NCBSN subscription expired this past Friday, November 2nd. I had been panicking trying to finish reviewing before midnight. This was simply not realistic. I made the decision to pay for another three weeks. Now I can work up until the very day of my departure.

While preparing for such a test everything else in your life is put on hold. This is not a particular luxury I have because my husband and I have some serious decisions to make as they relate to our immediate future. However, as of late everything, everything has been put on hold to accommodate this test. Nevertheless, I did make one bold step this morning by making us a necessary appointment for our plan B. The news surprised him (and pleasantly so) because he had not expected to hear anything about any moves forward until after my trip to London. My NCLEX examination is one of many moves necessary to get us in the position where we need to be.

Many of these moves are dependent on making decisions. Once my license is secured what will I do with myself? Where do I want to work? I do want to study for a MSN in Family or Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. After which, I would like to open my own clinic up here in Africa for women and children. I would also like to work in a hospital at least for a year. The big question is in which order to I want to do these things? The next question is can I afford to ponder these issues while preparing to test.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Almost there

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Revising the strategy

My testing date is approaching fast! I am doing all I can to keep my nerves in check. I do not believe that I study as much as I need to between working full-time (my job is really a job and a half), family responsibilities, and the need to do something social every once in a while, I perceive that I am falling short of this idea I have as to how you are supposed to study for this test which is eat, breath, and sleep NCLEX review material and questions.

What is my new strategy? What was my old strategy? My old strategy was to answer as many questions per day as possible. “As possible” could be anything from 50-150. I am still trying to get myself up to 265. Why? Because my test could run up to that many questions and I need to have the practice of sitting for so many questions consecutively.

My new strategy (I must sound as though I am developing a war plan) is to continue with the questions, but to increase my prayers and positive visualization. Instead of taking time out just once a day to meditate, I am doing it all throughout the day.

I answered 75 questions last night on Mosby’s CD-ROM comprehensive test last night and still scored 61%. I should be at 80%. A few weeks ago I had the same score on 75 questions. I should be getting better. I cannot explain it. All I can think to do is to increase the number of questions I do and continue to pray.

I have been in numerous situations where the odds were seemingly stacked against me. I am not deterred. I have already passed this exam. I continuously visualize myself reading my nursing license with the state and board of nursing present atop, my name, license number, and relevant signatures. I hold this picture in my head. I refuse to let it go.

Faith Follies

October 26, 2008

I had a faith crisis today. I looked up and realized that November is next week and that I have 28 more days to study. Well, not really. I have 28 days until my test day. My studying ends on the 21st of November. This leaves me with 26 study days. I take a red-eye on the 21st and will not be doing any more studying once I start traveling.

The last 10 days—since I began this blog—have passed lightening fast. Twenty-eight days may seem like a long time, but knowing how fast time flies, I will be here before I know it. I am nervous but relieved to see the day approach. It is stressful being in limbo.

My crisis was marked by the fact that the day is quickly approaching. I am not feeling as prepared academically as I think I should be. I do not know what else I could be doing besides continuing to answer questions over and over again. That’s all I can do really.

My mother told me to envision my nursing license on the wall. I responded that I may actually have to physically make one up to help me envision it. So, that’s exactly what I did this afternoon. I searched the Internet for a certificate template. Not knowing what a nursing license actual looks like, I wrote what I thought it should say with a signature for the nursing board director and state governor. In my search for the name of the board director, I discovered that a nursing board really is just that—a group of nurses from multiple disciplines that comprise the state’s nursing board. The state governor appoints them to the board. So, I have all ten of my nursing licenses posted up all over the house.

My goal is to get through 265 questions tonight and another 265 questions tomorrow with Mosby’s CD-ROM.